Monday, August 15, 2011

BiC GL2 VS Spoko Mini

Spoko Mini is the pen that can only be found in Poland and France and maybe other European countries too. That means, Malaysia doesn't have it! US and Asian countries don't have it too. sosad... T^T

In recent two months, I finally found BiC GL2 which looks very similar to Spoko Mini in Happy Mart and Tesco. (First time saw it was in kcman's facebook album) I'll be comparing just the grips of GL2 and Spoko Mini. So you can see in the following picture, the top one is Spoko Mini and the bottom one is GL2.

Colours available For The Grip:
Spoko Mini: Blue, Light Green, Orange, Black, Skyblue(discontinued), Yellow(discontinued)
BiC GL2: Blue, Red, Black

#1: Length
The length of both grips are identical.

#2: Thickness
At first glance, both grips look like very much like identical but if you look more carefully, Spoko grip is slightly thicker.

#3: Weight
The weight is light, I don't have electronic scale to measure accurately and the pointer of my mum's conventional household scale(the spring one) hardly show any movement. -_-' So I just hold them in hand and try to feel the weight. It seems both are almost the same weight or maybe the GL2 grip is very slightly heavier/more momentum. Anyway, if you use them in mods, the difference should be unnoticeable. =)

#4: Softness/Flexibility
Okay, this feature is the biggest difference between GL2 and Spoko grips. Due to different production, GL2 grip is much harder and less flexible and Spoko grip is pretty soft. =w=

#5: Texture/Feeling of the surface
GL2 grip has a smooth feel and Spoko grip has a more grippy feel.

In conclusion, for smooth feel / economic accessibility, BiC GL2 grip is your choice. For barrel thicker than the grip inner diameter / grippy feel / unusual colours, Spoko Mini grip is a better choice. Both grips can be used for grip cut design, GL2 grip might be easier to do grip cut due to it is less stretchy. However, it will have more noticeable scar in case the grip cut didn't go well.

This comparison is probably not thorough enough, if you have any suggestion to look into more other aspects, feel free to leave comment(s) at below or email me. I'll try to update this article.

Written by cyshing.

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